HELPS Resource Center

Thursday, April 16, 2015



Pastor Cecil A. Thompson

April 9, 2015



And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithfulmen who will be able to teach others also.

Throughout my lifetime I have received many medals and awards–some when I was serving in the Air Force and others as recognition for some accomplishment. The thing about such recognition is that it tends to lead to pride. “LOOK WHAT I DID!” That saddens me.

There is one award that brings tears to my eyes each time I look at it. It is a small statue of a guard dog. It is about six inches long and three inches tall and sits on a wooden base that bears the inscription, “OLD DOG SHEP.” It was a thoughtful birthday gift from a member of our congregation who knew the back story. It sits next to the temporary grave marker that was returned to us when the permanent marker was received.

For the past few years I had the joy of caring for my wife. Gradually, I assumed more and more of the responsibilities as she became weaker, and I found joy in serving her. The two of us would laugh, and I knew that Joyce was paying me the highest compliment a wife could give a husband. I accept the title with pleasure.

God is not interested in us trying to do great and mighty things to please Him. He is constantly calling us to become faithful servants who do not think that we are too good to do the grungy tasks of life. Every time I look at OLD DOG SHEP beside Joyce’s marker, a tear slips out of the corner of my eye. I was the luckiest man in the world to serve my precious wife. Oh, how I long to see her again!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions! 

– – – Pastor Cecil

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