HELPS Resource Center

Thursday, April 16, 2015



Pastor Cecil A. Thompson

March 31, 2015


Psalm 19:12-14

But who can know their own mistakes? Forgive my hidden faults. Also keep me from the sins I want to commit. May they not be my master then I will be without blame. I will not be guilty of any great sin against Your law. Lord, may these words of my mouth please You and may these thoughts of my heart please You also. You are my Rock and my Redeemer.”    


For many years we have had our daily devotions by reading through the Bible in one year. While Joyce was still alive we would have our breakfast and then at 8:00, we would call our daughter Lori. I would read the day’s passages that were designed to take us through the bible in one year. We actually repeat Psalms twice.

Following the reading I open my heart to the Lord and pray over my family. I allow the Holy Spirit to lay those things on my heart to pray for. Many times the words of Psalm 19:14 would come to mind. That is the second part of today’s Scripture.

It was just today that I grasped something that had escaped my attention. It was in the New International Readers Version. The key words that jumped out at me were “THESE WORDS”…which led me to consider what these words referred to.

The Psalmist is confessing his mistakes, hidden faults, and even sins he wants to commit. It is the honest prayer of one who desires to be led by the Lord in thought, word,  and deed. I am sad to report that most of us commit sins and then ask the Lord to forgive us. That is well and good, but this goes a step beyond and asks the Lord to give strength to live above our sinful nature. That is my prayer!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions! 

– – – Pastor Cecil

You can find previous E-Votionals covering a variety of Scriptures and topics to help you in your walk with the Lord at

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