HELPS Resource Center

Thursday, April 16, 2015



Pastor Cecil A. Thompson

March 9, 2015


Luke 6:32

If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those wholove them!”                                          


From time to time I hear stories of people who visit a church and are never greeted or made to feel welcome. In fact I have heard of visitors being asked to move as they were sitting in someone’s pew. (That’s right—I think it stinks!) Perhaps it would be safe to say that most of us would like to be considered loving people. It is very easy to love our friends and family. We laugh and visit while just a few steps away are those who are left out.

Years ago Joyce and I were at one end of a long hallway. At the far end was a side door that was seldom used. One of our friends was a greeter at the door to welcome people as they came in and give them a bulletin. Two older ladies had just entered and were walking our way. Bob waved at us in an exaggerated manner. My usually timid wife waved back in the same manner.

That was just the beginning. The two little ladies waved back at Joyce in the same way. They almost ran up to her and began to talk and share. They seemed to have found someone who cared about them. They went from being lonely and neglected senior citizens to individuals who someone cared about.

I have tried to make it a point from that day on to look for those lonely souls that seem to be on the periphery. They just need a little love and attention to make them feel that someone cares about them. I would like to challenge you to look around you and share your love with them.    

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions! 

– – – Pastor Cecil

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