HELPS Resource Center

Monday, March 9, 2015

Helping Authors Be Heard

Hi, I’m Shane Weiskircher and I’m here to help authors and writers!

Since it tough for authors to get publicity for themselves I have started this blog to help them be heard. I work for Econo Publishing, LLC and we are a new company that is centered on helping folks get published at reasonable rates.

We were appalled about the sky rocking cost of publishing.  In my research I found that just about the cheapest publishing ran folks around $1,000.  At Econo Publishing we can get people published for under $500. In many cases as low as $250.00.

We also have a Veterans program and assistance to help Veterans be heard.

Check Us Out   You won’t be disappointed.  We are really easy to work with and we just want to give authors a fair shot at getting their works out for everyone to see.

Helping Authors Be Heard

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