HELPS Resource Center

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

40 Days - 40 Nights A Biblical Fast

Tomorrow Jan. 1st I start my 40 Day Fast. I will endeavor to blog each day and comment on my well being and spiritual enlightenment.  I intend on posting a Live Real-Time Video to keep you informed about how I'm feeling and any thoughts or spiritual insights I receive.  God Bless You All!

40 Days and 40 Nights

A Diary of a Biblical Fast

I have Fasted many times in my Christian life.  Mostly were one, three, and seven day fasts.    A 40 day Fast is major undertaking and decision.  I would never considered a Fast of this magnitude on my own.  However, I truly believe in my heart that the Holy Spirit has called me to this Fast.

The Bible records many events where a Fast was proclaimed. The most important Fast ever proclaimed by the Holy Spirit for a major undertaking was through Jesus.  40 Days and 40 Nights. This Fast was the foundation that provided salvation for all of mankind.

The Lord has called me to a great ministry.  The International Ministry of HELPS.  A HELPS ministry that will affect millions of people that have dire needs to be fulfilled. Homeless people, inmates in prison, struggling families that do not have enough food or just some examples.  I believe this is the reason the Lord through the Holy Spirit has proclaimed this 40 Day 40 Night Fast for me.

There are two types of Fasts:

A Proclaimed Fast.  A fast that is entered into by the entire congregation, or a group of Christians.  Examples of a Proclaimed Fast.  Jehoshaphat called his entire population to Fast and stood on the word of God.  2 Chronicles Chapter 20.

A Personal Fast.  Matthew six: 16 -18, 2 Corinthians 6:5, 11:27.  God promises and open reward not punishment.  (Isaiah 58:5).  

They’re a reward “the heritage of JACOB”. (Deuteronomy 32: 9-14) during a personal Fast the Faster should minister to the Lord during the Fast.  This is a mentioned in Acts 13: 2-

Receiving divine revelation knowledge is also a benefit of Fasting that can be believed for.  SEE: (Daniel 10:3 and Acts 27:21). 

Fasting is a way of humbling yourself.  If a man humbles himself the Lord will rise him up.  (1 Peter 5: 6-7;   6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.)

The steps in preparing for a fast
1.   Decide the purpose of the Fast.
2.   Proclaimed the Fast before the Lord.
3.   Believe you receive the reward mentioned in the Fast according to       Matthew 6:18.
4.   Minister to the Lord and thank him for the results of the Fast and for     the reward of the Fast.
5.   Minister to others as the Lord leads you during the Fast.
6.   Continued to minister to others after the Fast.
7.   Expect assistance from the Angels as shown in Matthew 4:11.

Fasting allows for the spirit to be built up by not putting demands for food on the body.  

The best reward and results of a Fast is found in Ephesians 3:20-21.
Also, the development of the Fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-25.

To see the results of Biblical Fasting and deliverance go to your Bible in read:

Ezra 8:21,23,31
Nehemiah 1:4
Esther 4:3,16
Daniel 9:3
Joel 1:14

The two greatest illustrations of Fasting in the Bible are Jesus and Moses.  Both men fasted for 40 Days and 40 Nights. Both men were called by God to fast, and each man changed the world.

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